An Antidote to Suffering

Sometimes in our lives, we can get bogged down by difficult circumstances. Life challenges us in very real ways. And even when our lives feel calm and easy, we can have significant feelings and fears about the world that we live in and we can be in touch with the suffering of others. Our life situation might be comfortable but our feelings and desire to create change may not be. And, then, of course, there are our thoughts. Our thoughts can bring us down, make us feel bad about ourselves, and make us doubt ourselves. 

You may be thinking, okay this is awfully depressing. One way or another, we inevitably experience suffering? Some enlightened souls have eliminated suffering from their existence, but most of us are still working on it. The antidote to our suffering is at once complex and simple… Listen to enlightened souls. 

Have you ever been in the presence of a person or been listening to a podcast or an interview and you notice that the person’s essence is making you feel inspired and elevated? That is the effect of being in contact with an enlightened soul. Their words soothe us like a balm. We hear the truth in their teachings and feel calmness and safety in their presence. And, often, they have great suggestions for us. Most enlightened souls have suffered greatly in their lives and have awakened from the suffering to teach the rest of us their unique path to healing.

When you find yourself feeling low, be sure to incorporate (what I refer to as) a “soul practice.” Soul practices begin with connecting with soul teachers. Utilize the people in your life who make you feel uplifted, podcasts, books, artists, or any other person who you consider to be an enlightened soul. Listen deeply to their words or their communications. Alone, this can have an enormous effect on your perspective. Ask yourself soulful questions such as “What does my soul desire right now?”, “In this suffering, what might be the important lesson for my soul?”, and answer these questions from the soulful place in yourself. 

As you begin to notice your own outlook change and you lighten up, you become an enlightened presence for others. Sharing our higher perspectives has the potential to heal our lives, families, communities, and world.


All Healing Begins with a Desire for Change


Grace: The Ultimate Antidote for Stress